Proper Conduct:
We strive to uphold a safe, fun, family-oriented environment. As such, we expect proper, respectful conduct on the premises at all times. We do not permit disrespectful conduct toward our members, guests, wrestlers (“Team Members”), vendors or property, including but not limited to vulgar, profane, indecent, offensive, violent, hostile, aggressive, threatening, harassing, stalking, fraudulent, or other inappropriate conduct or communications Or any conduct that is bothersome to members or EPRTC/EP Rattlers wrestlers.
Pre-Authorized Payments:
Member hereby authorizes EPRTC/EP Rattlers to either: 1) initiate automatic monthly debit entries to my (our) bank account beginning on the stated due date and in the amount stated, or 2) charge my credit card on a monthly basis beginning on the stated due date and in the amount stated. Member has given EPRTC/EP Rattlers a voided check or credit card authorization form with the required bank information and account numbers. The specific authorization is attached to this contract and incorporated by reference as if it were fully set forth. This authority is to remain in full force and effect until EPRTC/EP Rattlers has received cancellation notice from Member. Supplementary $2.50 Service fee will be collected from membership accounts electing to use debit/credit cards as a form of monthly payment, Instead of using the recommended electronic check option by providing checking account number and routing number. If unable to successfully draft payments from your EFT Account when due, EPRTC/EP Rattlers will continue to attempt collection thereafter, typically each Friday of the subsequent week(s).
Obligation to Pay:
Member will not be relieved of his/her obligations to make payments agreed to by Member’s failure to use EPRTC/EP Rattlers facilities. Member dues are for the time period designated and do not relate to actual usage of EPRTC/EP Rattlers.
Delinquent / Returned Check:
If any check, draft, credit card or EFT transfer payable to EPRTC/EP Rattlers is not honored, EPRTC/EP Rattlers will assess a $20.00 collection fee for each such item and collect the current and past due amounts. If for any reason EPRTC/EP Rattlers is not able to collect your monthly payment on the scheduled date of every month, EPRTC/EP Rattlers has the right to collect any and all payments including late fees and other fees that may incur during payment processing at any time. So many days after nonpayment, your account will be sent to a collection agency and you will be responsible for all and any fees charged by the collection agency. Member understands that EPRTC/EP Rattlers may use services made available by card issuers which automatically update credit/debit card information and prevent disruptions due to account changes, such as an expired card or reissued card.
Cancellation/Refund Policy:
Details on cancelling and refunds are here: Cancellation/Refund Policy
Unauthorized Personal Training:
You may not solicit or conduct on EPRTC/EP Rattlers premises any unauthorized personal training, with or without compensation. EPRTC/EP Rattlers retains sole discretion to determine whether a member or guest is engaged in personal training. If it is determined that unauthorized personal training has been conducted on the premises, the coach and trainee will each lose their membership.
Unless expressly authorized by EPRTC/EP Rattlers, you may not solicit-whether in person or in writing-any members, guests or Team Members on the premises or during off-premises events, including but not limited to solicitations for political, media interviews, business opportunities, or competitive products or services.
Check-In Policy:
You must check in, you are required to have your picture taken for your membership to identify you at check-in.
Dress Policy:
EPRTC/EP Rattlers requires you to wear appropriate clothing and footwear while in the facilities such as gym shorts, T-shirts, jogging, aerobic and sweat outfits. No see-through clothing is allowed, clothing should not be too revealing. No open toed or open heeled shoes are allowed. You must wear proper attire at all times.
You may not modify any EPRTC/EP Rattlers equipment from its intended use. You may not bring in personal equipment, mechanical or otherwise, unless approved by EPRTC/EP Rattlers, any such approval may be revoked at any time.
Right to Revoke Membership:
EPRTC/EP Rattlers reserves the right to suspend or revoke membership, without refund of membership fees, for a breach of rules or regulations, violations of contract terms, or undesirable behavior as determined by EPRTC/EP Rattlers’s sole discretion.
Health Warranty:
Member represents that Member is in good health and has no disability, impairment, medical condition or illness preventing Member from engaging in exercise, use of EPRTC/EP Rattlers facilities or that poses a health risk to other users of the gym. Member assumes full responsibility for Members medical condition as it relates to his/her ability to engage in exercise. Member agrees that Member will not use any of EPRTC/EP Rattlers’s or its affiliated companies’ facilities with open cuts, abrasions, sores, infections, contagious conditions or maladies which may impose a health risk to others in accord with state and local health requirements. EPRTC/EP Rattlers management reserves the right to prohibit or limit the use of its facilities to Members with such conditions in accord with state and local health requirements.
Assumption of Risk/Personal Injury – Waiver & Release:
Member understands that the use of a wrestling, fitness facility entails certain risks and dangers, including but not limited to, loss of or damage to personal property and serious personal injury, or even death. Member hereby expressly assumes all risks and responsibility for any personal injury sustained by Member (and child/charge) as a result of his/her physical exercise, use of facilities and equipment, use of tanning services, baby-sitting services and all other activity at EPRTC/EP Rattlers’s or its affiliated companies’ gyms(s). Member specifically releases, discharges, and agrees not to sue EPRTC/EP Rattlers and its affiliated companies, together with their officers, wrestlers, independent contractors, and agents from any and all liability, loss, or expense (including legal costs) incurred by Member as a result of such personal injury and use of facilities and services.
EPRTC/EP Rattlers reserves the right to remove, dispose of and/or remove all articles left overnight. EPRTC/EP Rattlers provides lockers/bins for your use on a daily basis only. Do not leave valuable property in a locker/bin at any time. EPRTC/EP Rattlers is not responsible for any theft of, or damage to your property. If you leave a lock on the locker for any long lengths of time, EPRTC/EP Rattlers has the right to cut it off. EPRTC/EP Rattlers will consider your property abandoned if left overnight. If you leave your property overnight, EPRTC/EP Rattlers shall have the right to donate your property to charity.
Personal Property Waiver:
EPRTC/EP Rattlers urges Members not to bring valuable personal property into the gym. EPRTC/EP Rattlers, its affiliated companies, its officers, wrestlers, independent contractors and agents shall not be liable for the loss, theft of or damage to the Members personal property located anywhere in EPRTC/EP Rattlers, including all lockers/bins. Member further agrees to waive such claims against EPRTC/EP Rattlers, its officers, wrestlers, independent contractors and agents.
Prohibited Items and Activity:
No Drugs, or Smoking: EPRTC/EP Rattlers does not permit smoking, illegal drugs, including steroids in its facilities. No Photographic or Video Equipment: No photography, videotaping, filming or audio recording is permitted on these premises without written permission from the management of EPRTC/EP Rattlers. Food & Beverages: EPRTC/EP Rattlers reserves the right to limit the consumption of food or beverages in workout areas.